August 2021

Case Study
Fuji Electric PLC MICREX-F Series Ladder data backup

We received a request from a company operating plating-related equipment in Tokyo to back up the ladder data of an old Fuji Electric PLC.The PLC model is Fuji Electric MICREX-F series FPU 080A-A10, which is aging due to the plating environment, and they are considering replacing it with MICREX-SX series in the future. Prepare programming […]

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Pay attention when using the Keyence PLC timer instruction [TMR]

The timer instruction in a sequence program adds up the time while the input condition is ON, and when the set value is reached, the specified device turns ON. When you design a sequence program for a device, you are sure to use the timer instruction.In this article, I will show an example of an […]

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Case Study
Simple CPU communication by Ethernet connection between Mitsubishi Q PLC and FX PLC

The data communication method between Mitsubishi's Q series PLC and FX series PLC is simple CPU communication by Ethernet connection. What is simple CPU communication? It is a function that allows Ethernet-connected PLCs to communicate with each other and send/receive device data without programming, with just a simple setting using GX Works2 or 3. Example […]

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